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WSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] Accuei10AccueilS'enregistrerConnexionGalerieDernières images

 WSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young]

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2 participants


Nombre de messages : 7991
Date de naissance : 01/09/1966
Age : 58
Localisation : Temploux (Namur)
Date d'inscription : 29/09/2007

WSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] Empty
MessageSujet: WSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young]   WSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] Icon_minitimeMar 10 Juin 2008 - 16:21

Ce tournoi qui a démarré avec 1000 joueurs (soldout) à midi heure locale, avait deux manches aujourd'hui la prmeière pour désigner un vainquer par table parmi les 100 tables du début.

Le second et uniquement quand la dernière table était terminée, avec 10 tables de 10 réunissant tous les vainqueurs.

la structure de prix est en fait tous les vainqueurs de la première table recevait 5.596 $ et les dix survivants reviendront se soir s'affronter pour des sommes plus importantes

1 $ 335,565 -
2 $ 209,527 -
3 $ 129,675 -
4 $ 82,582 -
5 $ 40,267 -
6 $ 23,887 -
7 $ 15,697 -
8 $ 12,421 -
9 $ 9,828 -
10 $ 7,507

La bataille fut longue très longue même puisque le dernier headsUp c'est terminé à 7heure du matin heure locale soit 19 heures après que la première carte fut lancée pour la première table. Le mebre de la team Winamax tall est parvenu à gagner la première table, mais a été éliminé durant la deuxième partie

Les dix vainqueurs sont

Alexander Triner 300000
Casey Coleman 300000
Jason Young 300000
John Strzemp III 300000
Kyle Bowker 300000
Matt Giannetti 300000
Mike Schwartz 300000
Rory Monahan 300000
Tom West 300000

Ils repartiront tous avec le même nombre de jetons pour ce Sngo final.

Dernière édition par bobo le Mer 11 Juin 2008 - 20:09, édité 1 fois
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Nombre de messages : 17848
Date de naissance : 07/02/1987
Age : 37
Localisation : Hornu
Date d'inscription : 05/05/2008

WSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young]   WSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] Icon_minitimeMer 11 Juin 2008 - 17:07

Citation :

2008 WSOP: Event #17, $1,500 No-Limit Hold'em Shootout: Jason Young Wins

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

By Shari Geller

WSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] 1213191912-25548It
was a long one, over 30 hours of play in just two days, with a lengthy
heads-up battle at the end. But when the final card was dealt, Jason
Young emerged the winner of Event #21, $1,500 No-Limit Hold'em
Shootout. After winning three ten-handed tables, Young walked away with
the top prize, $335,565, and the gold bracelet. Going into the
final table, here were the seat assignments and home towns (each player
started with 1,000,000 in chips) of the finalists: Seat 1: Casey Coleman (Kingston, Ontario, Canada)
Seat 2: Matthew Giannetti (Las Vegas, Nevada)
Seat 3: Thomas West (Los Altos, California)
Seat 4: Rory Monahan (Carbondale, Illinois)
Seat 5: Kyle Bowker (Walton, New York)
Seat 6: John Strzemp III (Las Vegas, Nevada)
Seat 7: Mike Schwartz (Encino, California)
Seat 8: Sergey Rybachenko (Moscow, Russian Federation)
Seat 9: Jason Young (Suffern, New York)
Seat 10: Alexander Triner (Rockville, Maryland) After
what was in the truest sense a marathon battle that took two rounds of
single elimination-play over 19 hours, it was not surprising that the
players might look a bit bedraggled as they headed into the Green
Section of the Amazon Room and gathered around Table 15. But there was
a lot at stake as play got underway as the prize money chasm between
first and last at this table was huge – the winner taking home a
whopping $335,565 to the modest $7,507 for the tenth-place finisher. Casey
Coleman, who plays online at FullTiltPoker as "Cosey" and PokerStars as
"CCmuney," was a victim of some ill-timed early aggression, losing half
his chip stack early on to Matthew Giannetti when he tried to make a
move on the river only to be called by Giannetti, who held the winning
top pair. Coleman scraped back a few of those chips the next hand
against Giannetti, but just as soon as he was starting to crawl back
up, he hit the wall in the form of Sergey Rybachenko, who had rivered a
straight against Coleman's flopped top pair putting Coleman was down to
115,000. Short-stacked, Coleman called the preflop raise of
Mike Schwartz, putting himself virtually all in, and Giannetti came
along to see the WSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] 7cWSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] 3sWSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] 7d
flop. With Schwartz betting out, Coleman calling all in and Giannetti
folding, the two tabled their hands, with Schwartz in the lead with
pocket eights against the A-Q for Coleman. The board ran out J -10 and
Coleman was out in tenth place, taking $7,507. Alex Triner was
already down below the starting stack when he was re-reraised all in by
Jason Young. Triner seemed resigned to making the call with so much
already in the pot. Resignation likely turned to jubilation when he saw
that he had his man dominated, Young's WSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] AhWSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] Js in need of a lot of help against Triner's WSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] DaWSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] Ks. But that feeling was short-lived as the WSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] Jh on the turn sent Young into a bit of a frenzy, celebrating with his friends on the rail, and the WSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] Jd
on the river left Triner with a severely diminished stack. Triner may
have thought there would be cosmic retribution when he looked down to
find jacks in the hole and he was up against John Strzemp's pocket
queens for his tournament life. The WSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] 4cWSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] 3cWSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] 4hWSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] Ks board was unhelpful, and the resigned cry of "Where's the jack this time?" before the dealer dealt out the WSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] 5d river spoke volumes. Triner was out in ninth to collect his $9,828. Thomas
West, an experienced player with 11 prior cashes in major tournaments,
including a second at last year's LA Poker Classic, had already been
crippled earlier in the match against the hyper-aggressive Rybachenko.
After a few more hits to his stack, and with the rising blinds, West
decided to make a stand for the rest of his chips when he saw A-Q.
Unfortunately, he was dominated by the A-K of now-big-stacked Jason
Young. The board ran out uneventfully, 3-4-3-8-6, and West was out as
the eighth-place finisher, heading to the cashier to pick up his
$12,421. Sergey Rybachenko had gone out to an early lead,
doubling his stack after the first hour of play. But within a very
short time, Rybachenko has gone from chip leader to short stack with
just 380,000 left, the biggest hit courtesy of Jason Young. With a
board reading WSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] 8cWSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] 7dWSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] Ac, Rybachenko check-raised Young's 55,000 bet to a total of 125,000. Young smooth-called. On the WSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] 3s turn, Rybachenko bet out 250,000 and Young quickly called. Then, on the WSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] 8s river, Rybachenko blasted out a 700,000 bet which, again, Young snap-called. Rybachenko mucked before even looking at Young's WSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] AhWSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] Qd. Several
hands later and it got even worse for the Russian when his top pair
came up against the pocket rockets of Rory Monahan, which also made a
set on the flop. Rybachenko saw his stack slip even further. In his
final hand, Rybachenko pushed all in from the small blind for around
300,000. Kyle Bowker, who had made the first raise to 100,000,
announced he was all in as well, sliding 673,000 into the pot. The
third player in the hand, Mike Schwartz, called all in as well, having
both players covered, and we went to the flop with the hands as
follows: Rybachenko WSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] KsWSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] Kd
Bowker WSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] QdWSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] 9d
Schwartz WSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] DaWSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] QsThe
2-J-4 flop helped no one and, while the turn paired Bowker's nine,
Rybachenko was still ahead. But the river was a heartbreaker for the
two all ins, WSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] Ah,
and Schwartz eliminated two players in one fell swoop. Rybachenko, the
shorter of the two stacks, left in seventh, taking home $15,697. Kyle
Bowker, who had been the last person to win a seat into this final and
had 12 previous cashes including one already in this WSOP, went out in
sixth place, receiving $23,887. Matthew Giannetti bested his
previous top tournament finish by finishing fifth in this event. In the
early going, Giannetti's chips hovered right about the starting stack,
but the rising blinds and a few hits had diminished his stack to just
300,000. He got a temporary reprieve courtesy of a double up from Mike
Schwartz who, having just knocked two players out, decided to go after
the next shortest stack. He raised Giannetti preflop and may have been
surprised when Giannetti pushed back all in, but he made the call.
Schwartz was behind A-7 to pocket eights and stayed behind through the
6-Q-K-9-3 board. Even with the double up, Giannetti was still the short
stack and he stayed aggressive. Finally, one of his raises was called
and he and Mike Schwartz saw a WSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] 9cWSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] KhWSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] Ah flop. Schwartz announced all in and Giannetti called, but was behind with WSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] AcWSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] 10h against Mike Schwartz' WSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] QhWSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] 9h.
The turn brought another queen; the river was another nine, giving
Schwartz a full house and the hand. Giannetti took home $40,267 for
fifth place. Down to four-handed play, Jason Young had half the
chips in play, five million; Schwartz had 2.4 million to the 1.4 and
1.2 of Monahan and Strzemp, respectively. Strzemp took a few quick pots
that propelled him quickly to 2 million, mostly at the expense of
Young. Monahan, a poker pro and writer, lost two hands to Schwartz and
about half of his chips. Nursing a short stack, Rory Monahan moved all
in and was looked up by John Strzemp, holding WSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] AsWSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] Qc to Monahan's WSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] 6cWSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] 5c. The board ran out WSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] JhWSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] AcWSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] 10dWSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] 3cWSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] 7s and Monahan was out in fourth place, with a $82,582 payday. After
the late dinner break, John Strzemp's aggression sent him to the rail.
First, he took a huge hit to his chip stack after betting over half a
million chips only to find that Jason Young had connected with the
board, his pocket ace pairing the turn. Then, Strzemp and Schwartz both
saw a flop of WSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] KcWSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] 7cWSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] 2d. Strzemp bet 175,000 on the flop and 500,000 on the WSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] 5h turn, both times called by Schwartz. The river was the WSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] Ks
and Strzemp moved all in for his remaining 1.3 million. Schwartz took
no time calling and turned over the K-8 for trip kings. Strzemp tried
to muck, but the tournament director revealed his hole cards: WSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] QdWSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] 9d. Strzemp was out, taking $129,675 for third place. The
final two went into heads-up action with nearly identical chip stacks.
It looked like the match would be over after the two went in for all
their chips and Jason Young's pair of jacks prevailed. Schwartz seemed
finished, but "seemed" turned out to be the operative word, as Schwartz
still had the proverbial chip and a chair – actually, 150,000 in chips,
enough to put him all in on the next blind. Three hands later, Schwartz
had turned his micro-stack into over a million and, while dominated, he
wasn't dead yet. On the next hand, Young saw a pocket pair of sixes and
pushed all in only to be called instantly by Schwartz, who turned over
kings. After the board ran a blank, Schwartz was up to 3.5 million. Perhaps fittingly, the match was decided by a coin flip. Schwartz went in with WSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] 4hWSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] 4s and Young had WSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] AcWSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] Jd. And the board ran out WSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] 6dWSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] 8dWSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] 2hWSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] AhWSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] Qc.
Young had his victory at last. Schwartz finished in second, for
$209,527. Jason Young collected both the bracelet and a cool $335,565
for his win.
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Nombre de messages : 7991
Date de naissance : 01/09/1966
Age : 58
Localisation : Temploux (Namur)
Date d'inscription : 29/09/2007

WSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: WSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young]   WSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young] Icon_minitimeMer 11 Juin 2008 - 20:09

les résultats des 10 premiers

1 $ 335,565 Jason Young
2 $ 209,527 Mike Schwartz
3 $ 129,675 John Strzemp III
4 $ 82,582 Rory Monahan
5 $ 40,267 Matthew Giannetti
6 $ 23,887 Kyle Bowker
7 $ 15,697 Sergey Rybachenko
8 $ 12,421 Thomas West
9 $ 9,828 Alex Triner
10 $ 7,507 Casey Coleman
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WSOP #17 SHOOTOUT 1500$ NL [winner Jason Young]
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