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Wallonie Poker
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Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H Accuei10AccueilS'enregistrerConnexionGalerieDernières images

 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H

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Tinger Bell 666
12 participants
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Nombre de messages : 5039
Date de naissance : 06/01/1982
Age : 42
Date d'inscription : 16/04/2008

Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H Empty
MessageSujet: Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H   Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H Icon_minitimeMar 29 Déc 2009 - 14:37

tout est dans le titre

Je vais vous tenir au courant de l'évolution dans ce post. J'espère être "dans la zone" comme hier soir
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Nombre de messages : 3218
Date de naissance : 07/09/1976
Age : 48
Localisation : spa
Date d'inscription : 03/10/2007

Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H   Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H Icon_minitimeMar 29 Déc 2009 - 14:40

GL buddy.
dans la foulee de ta nuit...
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Tinger Bell 666

Tinger Bell 666

Nombre de messages : 5036
Date de naissance : 07/04/1977
Age : 47
Localisation : Grand-Duché du Luxembourg
Date d'inscription : 26/05/2009

Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H   Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H Icon_minitimeMar 29 Déc 2009 - 15:36

Allez Hans, tu peux le faire.

Comme hier hein Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H Icon_wink
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Nombre de messages : 5039
Date de naissance : 06/01/1982
Age : 42
Date d'inscription : 16/04/2008

Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H   Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H Icon_minitimeMar 29 Déc 2009 - 15:55

je ne busterai pas 3 jours de suite avec les rois :

PokerStars Game #37352356131: Tournament #242010292, $100+$9 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level IV (50/100) - 2009/12/29 15:51:07 CET [2009/12/29 9:51:07 ET]
Table '242010292 4' 9-max Seat #9 is the button
Seat 1: Skoubo7 (4300 in chips) is sitting out
Seat 2: dabigguy5 (2550 in chips)
Seat 3: wally1964 (3025 in chips)
Seat 4: Kiwi 3010 (2383 in chips)
Seat 5: hanswawa (3727 in chips)
Seat 6: knightman7 (4655 in chips)
Seat 7: Kippling25 (4080 in chips)
Seat 8: RougeToad (3905 in chips)
Seat 9: reshetnik (4860 in chips)
Skoubo7: posts small blind 50
dabigguy5: posts big blind 100
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to hanswawa [Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 139989 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 266560]
wally1964: folds
Kiwi 3010: calls 100
hanswawa: raises 225 to 325
knightman7: folds
Kippling25: folds
RougeToad: calls 325
reshetnik: folds
Skoubo7: folds
dabigguy5: folds
Kiwi 3010: calls 225
*** FLOP *** [Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 882831 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 790591 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 39606]
Skoubo7 is connected
Skoubo7 has returned
Kiwi 3010: bets 300
hanswawa: calls 300
RougeToad: folds
*** TURN *** [Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 882831 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 790591 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 39606] [Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 592672]
Kiwi 3010: bets 300
hanswawa: calls 300
*** RIVER *** [Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 882831 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 790591 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 39606 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 592672] [Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 168705]
Kiwi 3010: bets 300
hanswawa: raises 1200 to 1500
Kiwi 3010: calls 1158 and is all-in
Uncalled bet (42) returned to hanswawa
*** SHOW DOWN ***
hanswawa: shows [Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 139989 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 266560] (a full house, Kings full of Sevens)
Kiwi 3010: shows [Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 200321 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 488903] (two pair, Kings and Sevens)
hanswawa collected 5241 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 5241 | Rake 0
Board [Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 882831 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 790591 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 39606 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 592672 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 168705]
Seat 1: Skoubo7 (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 2: dabigguy5 (big blind) folded before Flop
Seat 3: wally1964 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 4: Kiwi 3010 showed [Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 200321 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 488903] and lost with two pair, Kings and Sevens
Seat 5: hanswawa showed [Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 139989 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 266560] and won (5241) with a full house, Kings full of Sevens
Seat 6: knightman7 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 7: Kippling25 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 8: RougeToad folded on the Flop
Seat 9: reshetnik (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
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Nombre de messages : 3388
Date de naissance : 07/02/1978
Age : 46
Localisation : Saint-Amand
Date d'inscription : 07/04/2008

Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H   Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H Icon_minitimeMar 29 Déc 2009 - 16:15

Allez Hans continue sur ta lancée
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Nombre de messages : 5039
Date de naissance : 06/01/1982
Age : 42
Date d'inscription : 16/04/2008

Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H   Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H Icon_minitimeMar 29 Déc 2009 - 16:16

malédiction du russe vaincue? normalement il devait toucher à la river

PokerStars Game #37352985744: Tournament #242010292, $100+$9 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level V (75/150) - 2009/12/29 16:09:36 CET [2009/12/29 10:09:36 ET]
Table '242010292 4' 9-max Seat #9 is the button
Seat 1: crashall99 (1525 in chips)
Seat 2: dabigguy5 (3100 in chips)
Seat 3: wally1964 (2600 in chips)
Seat 4: bigtone0 (3675 in chips)
Seat 5: hanswawa (6660 in chips)
Seat 6: knightman7 (3250 in chips)
Seat 7: Kippling25 (3930 in chips)
Seat 8: RougeToad (5785 in chips)
Seat 9: reshetnik (3385 in chips)
crashall99: posts small blind 75
dabigguy5: posts big blind 150
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to hanswawa [Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 790591 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 266560]
wally1964: folds
bigtone0: folds
hanswawa: raises 225 to 375
knightman7: folds
Kippling25: folds
RougeToad: folds
reshetnik: calls 375
crashall99: folds
dabigguy5: folds
*** FLOP *** [Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 592672 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 7784 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 249936]
hanswawa: checks
reshetnik: checks
*** TURN *** [Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 592672 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 7784 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 249936] [Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 57126]
hanswawa: bets 475
reshetnik: calls 475
*** RIVER *** [Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 592672 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 7784 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 249936 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 57126] [:Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 686804]
hanswawa: bets 885
reshetnik: calls 885
*** SHOW DOWN ***
hanswawa: shows [Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 790591 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 266560] (two pair, Kings and Deuces)
reshetnik: mucks hand
hanswawa collected 3695 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 3695 | Rake 0
Board [Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 592672 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 7784 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 249936 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 57126 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 686804]
Seat 1: crashall99 (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 2: dabigguy5 (big blind) folded before Flop
Seat 3: wally1964 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 4: bigtone0 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 5: hanswawa showed [Ks Kc] and won (3695) with two pair, Kings and Deuces
Seat 6: knightman7 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 7: Kippling25 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 8: RougeToad folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 9: reshetnik (button) mucked [Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 411921 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 362531]
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Nombre de messages : 3388
Date de naissance : 07/02/1978
Age : 46
Localisation : Saint-Amand
Date d'inscription : 07/04/2008

Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H   Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H Icon_minitimeMar 29 Déc 2009 - 16:18

T'as un abonnement avec les Kings ou quoi?
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Nombre de messages : 5039
Date de naissance : 06/01/1982
Age : 42
Date d'inscription : 16/04/2008

Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H   Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H Icon_minitimeMar 29 Déc 2009 - 16:25

300 mains avec lui, très weak...il m'a dit qu'il aurait fold sur un allin

PokerStars Game #37353427063: Tournament #242010292, $100+$9 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level V (75/150) - 2009/12/29 16:21:13 CET [2009/12/29 10:21:13 ET]
Table '242010292 27' 9-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: ague007 (7455 in chips)
Seat 2: Christs Chin (4575 in chips)
Seat 3: PATPIM92 (5187 in chips)
Seat 4: isuskwe (5770 in chips)
Seat 5: uppstyrd (17290 in chips)
Seat 6: hanswawa (8095 in chips)
Seat 7: castellimich (10022 in chips)
Seat 8: Dinis_adv (3175 in chips)
Seat 9: bigtone0 (3388 in chips)
Christs Chin: posts small blind 75
PATPIM92: posts big blind 150
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to hanswawa [Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 332459 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 375739]
isuskwe: folds
uppstyrd: raises 300 to 450
hanswawa: calls 450
castellimich: folds
Dinis_adv: folds
bigtone0: folds
ague007: folds
Christs Chin: folds
PATPIM92: folds
*** FLOP *** [Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 525384 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 2987 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 362531]
uppstyrd: bets 300
hanswawa: calls 300
*** TURN *** [Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 525384 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 2987 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 362531] [Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 266560]
uppstyrd: checks
hanswawa: bets 900
uppstyrd: calls 900
*** RIVER *** [Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 525384 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 2987 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 362531 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 266560] [Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 168705]
uppstyrd: checks
hanswawa: bets 1650
uppstyrd: calls 1650
*** SHOW DOWN ***
hanswawa: shows [Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 332459 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 375739] (a pair of Sixes)
uppstyrd: shows [Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 830502 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 402877] (two pair, Aces and Queens)
uppstyrd collected 6825 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 6825 | Rake 0
Board [Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 525384 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 2987 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 362531 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 266560 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 168705]
Seat 1: ague007 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 2: Christs Chin (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 3: PATPIM92 (big blind) folded before Flop
Seat 4: isuskwe folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 5: uppstyrd showed [Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 830502 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 402877] and won (6825) with two pair, Aces and Queens
Seat 6: hanswawa showed [Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 332459 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 375739] and lost with a pair of Sixes
Seat 7: castellimich folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 8: Dinis_adv folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 9: bigtone0 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
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Nombre de messages : 5039
Date de naissance : 06/01/1982
Age : 42
Date d'inscription : 16/04/2008

Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H   Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H Icon_minitimeMar 29 Déc 2009 - 16:33

la valse des 3 bets est ouverte

1)PokerStars Game #37353770594: Tournament #242010292, $100+$9 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VI (100/200) - 2009/12/29 16:30:11 CET [2009/12/29 10:30:11 ET]
Table '242010292 27' 9-max Seat #3 is the button
Seat 1: ague007 (10043 in chips)
Seat 2: Christs Chin (2900 in chips)
Seat 3: PATPIM92 (6337 in chips)
Seat 4: bane56 (4461 in chips)
Seat 5: uppstyrd (21415 in chips)
Seat 6: hanswawa (4695 in chips)
Seat 7: castellimich (6147 in chips)
Seat 8: Dinis_adv (8150 in chips)
Seat 9: Broadway A (4900 in chips)
bane56: posts small blind 100
uppstyrd: posts big blind 200
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to hanswawa [Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 402877 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 2987]
hanswawa: raises 300 to 500
castellimich: raises 1100 to 1600
Dinis_adv: folds
Broadway A: folds
ague007: folds
Christs Chin: folds
PATPIM92: folds
bane56: folds
uppstyrd: folds
PATPIM92 said, "rue paul prouteau"
hanswawa: folds
Uncalled bet (1100) returned to castellimich
castellimich collected 1300 from pot
castellimich: doesn't show hand
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 1300 | Rake 0
Seat 1: ague007 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 2: Christs Chin folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 3: PATPIM92 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 4: bane56 (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 5: uppstyrd (big blind) folded before Flop
Seat 6: hanswawa folded before Flop
Seat 7: castellimich collected (1300)
Seat 8: Dinis_adv folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 9: Broadway A folded before Flop (didn't bet)

2)PokerStars Game #37353800354: Tournament #242010292, $100+$9 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VI (100/200) - 2009/12/29 16:30:57 CET [2009/12/29 10:30:57 ET]
Table '242010292 27' 9-max Seat #4 is the button
Seat 1: ague007 (10043 in chips)
Seat 3: PATPIM92 (6337 in chips)
Seat 4: bane56 (4361 in chips)
Seat 5: uppstyrd (21215 in chips)
Seat 6: hanswawa (4195 in chips)
Seat 7: castellimich (6947 in chips)
Seat 8: Dinis_adv (8150 in chips)
Seat 9: Broadway A (4900 in chips)
uppstyrd: posts small blind 100
hanswawa: posts big blind 200
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to hanswawa [Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 657506 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 824229]
castellimich: folds
Dinis_adv: folds
Broadway A: folds
ague007: folds
PATPIM92: folds
bane56: raises 400 to 600
uppstyrd: folds
hanswawa: raises 3595 to 4195 and is all-in
L C P is connected
bane56: folds
Uncalled bet (3595) returned to hanswawa
ague007 said, "LGJ ?"
hanswawa collected 1300 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 1300 | Rake 0
Seat 1: ague007 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 3: PATPIM92 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 4: bane56 (button) folded before Flop
Seat 5: uppstyrd (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 6: hanswawa (big blind) collected (1300)
Seat 7: castellimich folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 8: Dinis_adv folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 9: Broadway A folded before Flop (didn't bet)
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Nombre de messages : 5039
Date de naissance : 06/01/1982
Age : 42
Date d'inscription : 16/04/2008

Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H   Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H Icon_minitimeMar 29 Déc 2009 - 16:45

out sur un flip

PokerStars Game #37354300167: Tournament #242010292, $100+$9 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VII (125/250) - 2009/12/29 16:44:03 CET [2009/12/29 10:44:03 ET]
Table '242010292 15' 9-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: hanswawa (3470 in chips)
Seat 2: mugal40 (5705 in chips)
Seat 3: Bighedgehog (3785 in chips) out of hand (moved from another table into small blind)
Seat 4: icufish (8088 in chips)
Seat 5: Phoelex (17663 in chips)
Seat 6: McDonaId (14941 in chips)
Seat 7: Yongchai (4363 in chips)
Seat 8: Noxious Nuts (2605 in chips)
Seat 9: a jungle cat (11684 in chips)
hanswawa: posts the ante 25
mugal40: posts the ante 25
icufish: posts the ante 25
Phoelex: posts the ante 25
McDonaId: posts the ante 25
Yongchai: posts the ante 25
Noxious Nuts: posts the ante 25
a jungle cat: posts the ante 25
icufish: posts small blind 125
Phoelex: posts big blind 250
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to hanswawa [Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 790591 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 657506]
McDonaId: folds
Yongchai: folds
Noxious Nuts: folds
a jungle cat: folds
hanswawa: raises 3195 to 3445 and is all-in
mugal40: raises 2235 to 5680 and is all-in
icufish: folds
Phoelex: folds
Uncalled bet (2235) returned to mugal40
*** FLOP *** [Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 771356 5d 4s]
*** TURN *** [Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 771356 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 17932 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 52769] [Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 362531]
*** RIVER *** [Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 771356 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 17932 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 52769 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 362531] [Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 796798]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
hanswawa: shows [Ks Ts] (high card Ace)
mugal40: shows [8d 8s] (three of a kind, Eights)
mugal40 collected 7465 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 7465 | Rake 0
Board [Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 771356 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 17932 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 52769 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 362531 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 796798]
Seat 1: hanswawa showed [Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 790591 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 657506] and lost with high card Ace
Seat 2: mugal40 (button) showed [Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 831968 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 331358] and won (7465) with three of a kind, Eights
Seat 4: icufish (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 5: Phoelex (big blind) folded before Flop
Seat 6: McDonaId folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 7: Yongchai folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 8: Noxious Nuts folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 9: a jungle cat folded before Flop (didn't bet)
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Nombre de messages : 843
Date de naissance : 23/05/1981
Age : 43
Localisation : Welkenraedt
Date d'inscription : 28/06/2008

Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H   Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H Icon_minitimeMar 29 Déc 2009 - 17:59

merde..... j viens de rentrer j pensais que tu faisais celui de 19H00.... GG hans

Je suis en table 6 sur FTP
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Nombre de messages : 1804
Date d'inscription : 25/04/2008

Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H   Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H Icon_minitimeMar 29 Déc 2009 - 18:06

bien joué buddy!
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Nombre de messages : 843
Date de naissance : 23/05/1981
Age : 43
Localisation : Welkenraedt
Date d'inscription : 28/06/2008

Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H   Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H Icon_minitimeMar 29 Déc 2009 - 18:20

le mek est super loose , je sais que si je 3bet il va faire call et l autre avec , donc je prefere ne pas faire grossir le pot en début de tournoi et hors de position et voir le flop:

Full Tilt Poker Game #17175962166: $23,500 Guarantee (128395845), Table 6 - 15/30 - No Limit Hold'em - 12:17:23 ET - 2009/12/29
Seat 1: jullum (3,090)
Seat 2: Zepequenio (2,880)
Seat 3: phatchoy888 (2,970)
Seat 4: DYSHANBE (3,020)
Seat 5: GojkoKacar (3,000)
Seat 6: wyomingpet (3,085)
Seat 7: auhoman (2,080), is sitting out
Seat 8: cartoon_heroes (3,830)
Seat 9: aabomb09 (1,720)
jullum posts the small blind of 15
Zepequenio posts the big blind of 30
The button is in seat #9
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Zepequenio [Js Jc]
phatchoy888 folds
DYSHANBE has been disconnected
DYSHANBE has reconnected
DYSHANBE has 15 seconds left to act
wyomingpet raises to 105
auhoman folds
cartoon_heroes calls 105
aabomb09 folds
jullum folds
Zepequenio has 15 seconds left to act
Zepequenio calls 75
*** FLOP *** [2h 7h Ts]
DYSHANBE has been disconnected
DYSHANBE has reconnected
Zepequenio bets 240
wyomingpet calls 240
cartoon_heroes folds
*** TURN *** [2h 7h Ts] [Td]
Zepequenio has 15 seconds left to act
Zepequenio bets 480
wyomingpet has 15 seconds left to act
wyomingpet calls 480
*** RIVER *** [2h 7h Ts Td] [5c]
Zepequenio checks
wyomingpet checks
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Zepequenio shows [Js Jc] two pair, Jacks and Tens
wyomingpet shows [Tc Ks] three of a kind, Tens
wyomingpet wins the pot (1,770) with three of a kind, Tens
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 1,770 | Rake 0
Board: [2h 7h Ts Td 5c]
Seat 1: jullum (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: Zepequenio (big blind) showed [Js Jc] and lost with two pair, Jacks and Tens
Seat 3: phatchoy888 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: DYSHANBE didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: GojkoKacar is sitting out
Seat 6: wyomingpet showed [Tc Ks] and won (1,770) with three of a kind, Tens
Seat 7: auhoman didn't bet (folded)
Seat 8: cartoon_heroes folded on the Flop
Seat 9: aabomb09 (button) didn't bet (folded)
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Nombre de messages : 843
Date de naissance : 23/05/1981
Age : 43
Localisation : Welkenraedt
Date d'inscription : 28/06/2008

Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H   Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H Icon_minitimeMar 29 Déc 2009 - 18:34

Début difficile les gars me reste 1500 , mais je ne m affole pas les blinds sont encore petites
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Nombre de messages : 4093
Date de naissance : 27/12/1958
Age : 65
Localisation : Charleroi
Date d'inscription : 02/10/2007

Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H   Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H Icon_minitimeMar 29 Déc 2009 - 18:35

on te suit zepeq, ça va remonter tout ca ^^
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Nombre de messages : 843
Date de naissance : 23/05/1981
Age : 43
Localisation : Welkenraedt
Date d'inscription : 28/06/2008

Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H   Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H Icon_minitimeMar 29 Déc 2009 - 18:45

remontée a 2000

Full Tilt Poker Game #17176413637: $23,500 Guarantee (128395845), Table 6 - 25/50 - No Limit Hold'em - 12:41:24 ET - 2009/12/29
Seat 1: jullum (2,595)
Seat 2: Zepequenio (1,595)
Seat 3: phatchoy888 (3,260)
Seat 4: DYSHANBE (1,855)
Seat 5: Hopfer14 (3,745)
Seat 6: wyomingpet (5,950)
Seat 7: auhoman (1,900)
Seat 8: cartoon_heroes (3,805)
Seat 9: alparky (2,250)
jullum posts the small blind of 25
Zepequenio posts the big blind of 50
The button is in seat #9
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Zepequenio [9s 9h]
phatchoy888 has 15 seconds left to act
phatchoy888 folds
DYSHANBE has 15 seconds left to act
DYSHANBE has been disconnected
Hopfer14 folds
DYSHANBE has reconnected
wyomingpet calls 50
auhoman raises to 200
cartoon_heroes folds
alparky folds
jullum folds
Zepequenio has 15 seconds left to act
Zepequenio has requested TIME
Zepequenio calls 150
DYSHANBE has been disconnected
wyomingpet calls 150
*** FLOP *** [Jd 7h 5h]
DYSHANBE has reconnected
Zepequenio checks
wyomingpet checks
auhoman checks
*** TURN *** [Jd 7h 5h] [5s]
Zepequenio has 15 seconds left to act
Zepequenio bets 300
wyomingpet folds
DYSHANBE has been disconnected
auhoman folds
Uncalled bet of 300 returned to Zepequenio
Zepequenio mucks
Zepequenio wins the pot (625)
DYSHANBE has reconnected
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 625 | Rake 0
Board: [Jd 7h 5h 5s]
Seat 1: jullum (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: Zepequenio (big blind) collected (625), mucked
Seat 3: phatchoy888 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: DYSHANBE didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: Hopfer14 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: wyomingpet folded on the Turn
Seat 7: auhoman folded on the Turn
Seat 8: cartoon_heroes didn't bet (folded)
Seat 9: alparky (button) didn't bet (folded)
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Tinger Bell 666

Tinger Bell 666

Nombre de messages : 5036
Date de naissance : 07/04/1977
Age : 47
Localisation : Grand-Duché du Luxembourg
Date d'inscription : 26/05/2009

Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H   Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H Icon_minitimeMar 29 Déc 2009 - 18:55

Allez ZePeq !!!! Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H Icon_biggrin
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Nombre de messages : 977
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2008

Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H   Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H Icon_minitimeMar 29 Déc 2009 - 18:58

yo les buddies,

je vais commencer aussi espérons que les cartes vont rouler un peu mieux que ces derniers jours!!
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Tinger Bell 666

Tinger Bell 666

Nombre de messages : 5036
Date de naissance : 07/04/1977
Age : 47
Localisation : Grand-Duché du Luxembourg
Date d'inscription : 26/05/2009

Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H   Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H Icon_minitimeMar 29 Déc 2009 - 19:07

Alors ce soir nous avons donc Hans, Hotmax9 et ZePeq qui semblent bien concentrés
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Tinger Bell 666

Tinger Bell 666

Nombre de messages : 5036
Date de naissance : 07/04/1977
Age : 47
Localisation : Grand-Duché du Luxembourg
Date d'inscription : 26/05/2009

Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H   Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H Icon_minitimeMar 29 Déc 2009 - 19:25

Une première main pour Hans...

PokerStars Game #37360634530: Tournament #242010442, $100+$9 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level II (15/30) - 2009/12/29 19:22:53 CET [2009/12/29 13:22:53 ET]
Table '242010442 9' 9-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: lulopoker (3320 in chips)
Seat 2: germain133 (3150 in chips)
Seat 3: 0815User (3285 in chips)
Seat 4: Mossman_777 (3045 in chips)
Seat 5: eom2000 (2875 in chips)
Seat 6: hanswawa (2815 in chips)
Seat 7: JackCandid (5825 in chips)
Seat 8: xSCARFACE81x (2565 in chips)
Seat 9: twelver1232 (3790 in chips)
0815User: posts small blind 15
Mossman_777: posts big blind 30
*** HOLE CARDS ***
eom2000: folds
hanswawa: raises 60 to 90
JackCandid: folds
xSCARFACE81x: folds
twelver1232: folds
lulopoker: folds
germain133: folds
0815User: folds
Mossman_777: raises 90 to 180
hanswawa: calls 90
*** FLOP *** [Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 52769 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 391181 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 830502]
Mossman_777: bets 240
hanswawa: calls 240
*** TURN *** [Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 52769 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 391181 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 830502] [Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 7784]
Mossman_777: checks
hanswawa: bets 390
Mossman_777: calls 390
*** RIVER *** [Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 52769 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 391181 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 830502 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 7784] [Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 527568]
Mossman_777: checks
hanswawa: bets 570
Mossman_777: calls 570
*** SHOW DOWN ***
hanswawa: shows [Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 362531 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 250494] (a pair of Queens)
Mossman_777: mucks hand
hanswawa collected 2775 from pot

Hans nous dira que son adversaire avait les Jacks
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Nombre de messages : 843
Date de naissance : 23/05/1981
Age : 43
Localisation : Welkenraedt
Date d'inscription : 28/06/2008

Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H   Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H Icon_minitimeMar 29 Déc 2009 - 19:31

out sur ftp QQ vs KK.. no miracle
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Nombre de messages : 3218
Date de naissance : 07/09/1976
Age : 48
Localisation : spa
Date d'inscription : 03/10/2007

Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H   Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H Icon_minitimeMar 29 Déc 2009 - 19:47

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Tinger Bell 666

Tinger Bell 666

Nombre de messages : 5036
Date de naissance : 07/04/1977
Age : 47
Localisation : Grand-Duché du Luxembourg
Date d'inscription : 26/05/2009

Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H   Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H Icon_minitimeMar 29 Déc 2009 - 19:48

Pffff (main de Hans)

PokerStars Game #37361632122: Tournament #242010442, $100+$9 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level III (25/50) - 2009/12/29 19:44:26 CET [2009/12/29 13:44:26 ET]
Table '242010442 9' 9-max Seat #5 is the button
Seat 1: lulopoker (2950 in chips)
Seat 2: Addict715 (3000 in chips)
Seat 3: 0815User (2460 in chips)
Seat 4: Mossman_777 (3065 in chips)
Seat 5: eom2000 (2650 in chips)
Seat 6: hanswawa (4550 in chips)
Seat 7: partyboy8880 (2700 in chips)
Seat 8: xSCARFACE81x (2540 in chips)
Seat 9: twelver1232 (3320 in chips)
hanswawa: posts small blind 25
partyboy8880: posts big blind 50
*** HOLE CARDS ***
xSCARFACE81x: folds
twelver1232: folds
lulopoker: folds
Addict715: folds
0815User: raises 100 to 150
Mossman_777: folds
eom2000: folds
hanswawa: raises 300 to 450
partyboy8880: folds
0815User: calls 300
*** FLOP *** [Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 391181 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 527568 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 39606]
hanswawa: bets 525
0815User: raises 1485 to 2010 and is all-in
hanswawa: folds
Uncalled bet (1485) returned to 0815User
0815User collected 2000 from pot
0815User: doesn't show hand
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Nombre de messages : 977
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2008

Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H   Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H Icon_minitimeMar 29 Déc 2009 - 20:02

assez calme!!
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Tinger Bell 666

Tinger Bell 666

Nombre de messages : 5036
Date de naissance : 07/04/1977
Age : 47
Localisation : Grand-Duché du Luxembourg
Date d'inscription : 26/05/2009

Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H   Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H Icon_minitimeMar 29 Déc 2009 - 20:11

hotmax9 a écrit:
assez calme!!

PokerStars Game #37362556635: Tournament #242010442, $100+$9 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level IV (50/100) - 2009/12/29 20:05:24 CET [2009/12/29 14:05:24 ET]
Table '242010442 11' 9-max Seat #5 is the button
Seat 1: Jamsunrise (3685 in chips)
Seat 2: Suds-666 (3000 in chips)
Seat 3: ImustBonTILT (4295 in chips)
Seat 4: Bresnjev (9374 in chips)
Seat 5: cyrusboy (2270 in chips)
Seat 6: exteven (3400 in chips)
Seat 7: funkyc (5380 in chips)
Seat 8: upay4mytreez (2549 in chips)
Seat 9: ALESISP (2357 in chips)
exteven: posts small blind 50
funkyc: posts big blind 100
*** HOLE CARDS ***
upay4mytreez: folds
ALESISP: folds
Jamsunrise: folds
Suds-666: folds
ImustBonTILT: folds
Bresnjev: raises 200 to 300
cyrusboy: raises 600 to 900
exteven: folds
funkyc: folds
Bresnjev: raises 8474 to 9374 and is all-in
cyrusboy: calls 1370 and is all-in
Uncalled bet (7104) returned to Bresnjev
*** FLOP *** [Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 375739 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 882831 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 411921]
*** TURN *** [Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 375739 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 882831 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 411921] [Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 146219]
*** RIVER *** [Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 375739 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 882831 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 411921 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 146219] [Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 921949]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Bresnjev: shows [Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 441111 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 741759] (a pair of Sixes)
cyrusboy: shows [Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 943686 Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H 168705] (a full house, Sevens full of Sixes)
cyrusboy collected 4690 from pot
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Mardi 29-12-2009.. tournoi de 15H
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